Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mountain Lion

Some of the contractors remodeling the cabins at the H-V Headquarters found a fresh elk kill inside the rock wall of the white house. The elk was definitely killed by a mountain lion, and put inside the wall near the main house for future eating. This was a little to close for comfort for anyone that might be spending time at the white house (namely me....and perhaps a weiner dog). The mountain lion had figured out that the elk were hanging near the house, and eating some of the leftover hay next to the barn. A perfect stalking ground for a mountain lion. Needless to say, this was not a good situation. The contractors contacted Laura Jean (the ranch manager's wife), and decided that it needed to be disposed of. Yes, for you tenderhearted people, it was shot. They called a local mountain lion hunter, and he found him living under one of the cabins. The H-V is now lion free, at least for now. Mountain lions are not an endangered species in case you were wondering. Plus, they are probably the most dangerous animal in the mountains. Pretty scary, and if I take Scooter to the ranch in the future he will need to be monitored constantly. Obviously, he would be a nice little snack for mountain lions, bears, havalina's, coyotes, and wolves. Man, there is a whole list of things that would enjoy a little weiner snack.

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