Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Holly "Wild Child" update

Holly and Blane were home for the weekend, and you can tell Holly is being raised by college boys again. Or as Nelson and I say "Raised by Wolves". She was her little onery, wild self again. I guess college life tends to make kids a little wild. She spent the weekend torturing Scooter. I now know that the tamed down version was just due to the ranch making her to tired to be wild.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Bears, Bears, Bears

Sam has been up close and personal with more than one bear lately, and we have also suffered some loss due to the bears. The picture of the black bear, was one Sam's dogs had treed. The other picture is of a calf that had been injured by a bear attack.

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Bear

The mountian lion is gone, but a black bear has taken up residence at the white house. Poor weiner dog. Our trip in October could be full of excitement. Not really sure, but think the weiner dog might just be meaner than a bear.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not a bad view

A view from the basin side of the ranch.

Holly the ranch dog

Blane took Holly (one of my three granddogs) to the ranch this last summer, and I was very worried that it would end badly. She actually became quite the little ranch dog, but is now back down at Pitt State. Blane says she has adjusted to the college life once again.

Sam and Laura Jean

I have mentioned Sam and Laura Jean before, but wanted to give a real introduction to these two special people. Sam is the ranch manager, and Laura Jean (Sam's wife)is there working along side him each day. Laura Jean has been the one in charge of the remodel of the white house, and cabins. These two work so hard, and without them this ranch endeavour would not be possible. Thank you both for everything you do!!!!!!!!!!!

Just some random photos

These are pictures from the last couple of trips to the ranch.

We hosted a some guests during July, and I was able to put my party hosting skills to work that I perfected while at CSI. There are also some pictures of my two favorite cowboys, along with just some random photos taken. The picture of the little horny toad is one of my favorites. Note: I was not brave enough to pick him up for his photo op, but one of our guests did the honors. I really think he is so cute, but still wouldn't be the one handling him.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sheep Camp Trailer

I know I spoke of the sheep camp trailer that Nelson designed and built for the ranch, but never managed to get the pictures posted. Thanks to Jim Shirley, here are some pictures. Again, a big shout out to Marty Slawson, and Jim Shirley for all of their help and expertise on this project.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Mountain Lion

Some of the contractors remodeling the cabins at the H-V Headquarters found a fresh elk kill inside the rock wall of the white house. The elk was definitely killed by a mountain lion, and put inside the wall near the main house for future eating. This was a little to close for comfort for anyone that might be spending time at the white house (namely me....and perhaps a weiner dog). The mountain lion had figured out that the elk were hanging near the house, and eating some of the leftover hay next to the barn. A perfect stalking ground for a mountain lion. Needless to say, this was not a good situation. The contractors contacted Laura Jean (the ranch manager's wife), and decided that it needed to be disposed of. Yes, for you tenderhearted people, it was shot. They called a local mountain lion hunter, and he found him living under one of the cabins. The H-V is now lion free, at least for now. Mountain lions are not an endangered species in case you were wondering. Plus, they are probably the most dangerous animal in the mountains. Pretty scary, and if I take Scooter to the ranch in the future he will need to be monitored constantly. Obviously, he would be a nice little snack for mountain lions, bears, havalina's, coyotes, and wolves. Man, there is a whole list of things that would enjoy a little weiner snack.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Blane and baby girl return

Blane and Holly rolled into Stilwell at about 7:30 am this morning (Friday, 8/10/12). They have returned after a long summer of working on the ranch. The former "wild child" as I had nicknamed Holly is a completely different dog. Good to have my kids home safe and sound.

Friday, August 3, 2012

My Cowboy

Blane has turned into quite the cowboy. There have been lots of patient people helping this city kid, and he has learned alot after spending two summers at the ranch. I know he has enjoyed the ranch, but I think he is ready to head back down to Pitt State. College life is a breeze compared to the hard work on the ranch. Pretty sure his first stop once arriving in KC on the 10th will be Chipotle, then home. He will only be home for a few hours before embarking on a lake weekend with friends, and then off to school.

Blane riding Scout. This horse is huge, and one of Blane's favorites to ride.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Bear Sighting

I actually was lucky enough to see a Mama black bear, and her cub run across the road when going from one part of the ranch to the other a few days ago. I saw a big bear (brown, but still a black bear) last summer near the T Bar. That sighting last summer was the first time I had ever seen a bear in the wild. But, getting to see a Mama and baby cub was so cool. Wish my camera had been handy, but sure the pictures wouldn't have done the scene justice. So cool!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Tough Critters

This picture was taken in May, but just now posting. One of the cowboys found these cattle in an area that had been burned by the fire. They just didn't want to leave.

Pictures of the ranch

Just a few pictures from the ranch. You can also go to the website that Laura Jean has that shows some nice pictures of the accommodations at the ranch. The website is www.spurlake.com

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Wolf pups

Sheep Camp Trailer

Once leaving CSI, Nelson has been busy building his own version of the RV/Sheep Camp trailer. We knew that we couldn't buy just any RV trailer that would withstand the roads and trails on the ranch. Nelson's solution.....build your own RV. It started with a gooseneck trailer, a vision or two, and some trial and error. Thankfully we had Marty Slawson available for much of the work. HIs expertise was much needed in this endevour. It looks really good, and should stand up to the rough roads, and tough weather that it will endure in New Mexico. Any of the cowboys that have had to pitch a tent on some of the remote places on the ranch will appreciate having a an RV type setting for camping requirements. The solar system is being built as we speak, and will enable them to move this trailer throughout the ranch, with solar electricty, water, a wood burning camp stove, plus a pretty nice bed to lay your head down at night. I do believe that this RV/Sheep trailer might be one for the record books. It will probably outlast both Nelson and I with the quality of workmanship that went into the construction. Also, a big thank you to Jim Shirley for all of his help with this little project.....(ha ha).

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fire Season has started

Once again we have fires near the ranch.  Last summer we had huge fires by the H-V, but the fires currently burning are near the T Bar.  The T-Bar is located in the Gila National Forest, and near Reserve, NM. The picture was taken from the steps of our cabin, and was a backfire lit by the firefighters in effort to control and contain the fire.