Friday, September 21, 2012

The Bear

The mountian lion is gone, but a black bear has taken up residence at the white house. Poor weiner dog. Our trip in October could be full of excitement. Not really sure, but think the weiner dog might just be meaner than a bear.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Not a bad view

A view from the basin side of the ranch.

Holly the ranch dog

Blane took Holly (one of my three granddogs) to the ranch this last summer, and I was very worried that it would end badly. She actually became quite the little ranch dog, but is now back down at Pitt State. Blane says she has adjusted to the college life once again.

Sam and Laura Jean

I have mentioned Sam and Laura Jean before, but wanted to give a real introduction to these two special people. Sam is the ranch manager, and Laura Jean (Sam's wife)is there working along side him each day. Laura Jean has been the one in charge of the remodel of the white house, and cabins. These two work so hard, and without them this ranch endeavour would not be possible. Thank you both for everything you do!!!!!!!!!!!

Just some random photos

These are pictures from the last couple of trips to the ranch.

We hosted a some guests during July, and I was able to put my party hosting skills to work that I perfected while at CSI. There are also some pictures of my two favorite cowboys, along with just some random photos taken. The picture of the little horny toad is one of my favorites. Note: I was not brave enough to pick him up for his photo op, but one of our guests did the honors. I really think he is so cute, but still wouldn't be the one handling him.